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Webinar «Introduction to Cognitive-Behavioral Coaching» by Windy Dryden 6.03.2018

In accordance with the mission of International Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Coaching (IACBC) to advance the growth and dissemination of the science and practice of evidence-based coaching, we are pleased to invite you to participate in our certification program in Cognitive-Behavioral Coaching based on a series of 11 webinars that are in course of accreditation by the International Coach Federation. See the Full Program description here: http://iacbc.org/webinar-windy-dryden/ The first webinar, Introduction to CBC, will help you better understand what cognitive-behavioral coaching is about, the types and particularities of coaching together with the characteristics and differences from other coaching interventions. Professional standards will also be discussed and the certification program components. See the Full description here: http://iacbc.org/webinar-windy-dryden-2/

The program and introductory webinar will be presented by Dr. Windy Dryden, Professor at the University of London and world-wide known expert in cognitive-behavioral coaching. He is an international authority in cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and cognitive-behavioral coaching (CBC) and is the Honorary Vice President of the International Society for Coaching Psychology. He has worked in the helping professions for more than 40 years and is the author and editor of over 215 books, among which the first book on Rational Emotive Behavioral Coaching: Life coaching — A cognitive behavioral approach, Very Brief Cognitive Behavioral Coaching and many more.

The first webinar will cover the basic issues of CBC, such as:
o A summary of the coaching definitions, by answering the questions: What exactly coaching means? On what is based? Where does it come from?
o There is a lot of misunderstanding between what coaching and other interventions mean, by answering the questions: What are the characteristics, differences and overlaps between coaching and other helping interventions?
o There are a various names and approaches for coaching based on customer specificities or on the purposes of the process. Thus, you will find out the answers to the following questions: Which are the most representative types of coaching? What are the particularities of each other?
o Like any other activity, coaching is subject to professional standards. Many professional organizations have created their own professional standards in their desire to support the quality of coaching services. Thus, you will find out which are the main professional standards to adhere to.

You can find out more details about the workshop on our website: http://iacbc.org/webinar-windy-dryden-2/
and register at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScksmxm3tLwxXOxfKzZvE2xnMo1uqWIhGXdAhI67MoqldlUtA/viewform.

We are looking forward to guide you in your journey as certified coach!



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